Family Helper > Adoption > Pre-adoption Potpourri


A Bouquet of
Questions and

By Robin Hilborn

First edition, 2001
$12 / ISBN 0-9687944-4-0

45 how-to-adopt questions are presented in these categories:
Domestic public adoption
Domestic private adoption
For the birthmother
International adoption
Voices of single parents

Find answers to questions like these:
Which option in adoption takes the least time?
Which option costs the least?
Where do you find the healthiest children to adopt?
Homestudies: How long do they take? What do they cost?
Are there children available for adoption in Canada?
Public or private adoption?
Can I contact a birthmother directly?
Open adoption -- is it for me?
What are the disadvantages of international adoption?
Which countries are the most popular?
Why are single parents discriminated against?

How to order Pre-adoption Potpourri

Pre-adoption Potpourri answers how-to-adopt questions on: public vs. private vs. international adoption; homestudies; waiting lists, costs and times; health of the children; open adoption; single adoption; medical tests and immigration. (See below for an excerpt.)

To order a copy, fill in this form and send with your cheque to: Box 1353, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada.

Please send me one copy of Pre-adoption Potpourri I enclose a $12 cheque to "Robin Hilborn".
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Price in Canada is Can$12. In the U.S., US$12. Elsewhere, US$18.
Robin Hilborn is publisher of the Adoption Helper series.

Pre-adoption Potpourri is also available (No. 38) at a discount ($9) through the Adoption Helper series. To subscribe to the series (four editions for $36), see Adoption Helper, and choose the editions you would like to order.


From the Introduction to Pre-adoption Potpourri
By Robin Hilborn

A bouquet of questions and answers

This Pre-adoption Potpourri deals with pre-adoption issues in a question-and-answer format. If it's not covered here, you'll find it under post-adoption issues, in our sister publication, Post-adoption Helper (see No. 11, which is titled, appropriately enough, Post-adoption Potpourri).

Some of the questions deal with individual provinces, and necessarily so, since adoption laws vary across the country. If I've spent extra time on questions concerning Ontario, it's because a goodly number of Adoption Helper readers come from there.

My sources were a variety of government booklets, the FAQs at government web sites and private sites (such as the adoption councils and provincial adoptive family associations), past editions of Adoption Helper, and last but not least, an email list, Canadians-adopting. (I recommend you join it if you have Internet access.) Costs are in Canadian dollars.

What's an email list? For those without computers, it's like the bulletin board in your supermarket, except that in place of notices of snow shovels for sale, there are requests for the name of a good social worker, or ideas on good countries to adopt from. Imagine that as soon as you pin up your request on the board, someone else pins up a reply. Fine ... except you'd have to hang around the supermarket all day to see all the answers. Not a great idea, unless it all happens electronically, by email. Which it does, on an "email list", or "mailing list".

Now if you should happen to take the best answers and print them in one spot (say, Adoption Helper) then everyone could read them, not just email aficionados. A great idea (in my opinion)--and that's what I've done here.

I've presented the comments from Canadians-adopting email list in the margins.

There are two ways to look at them: on the one hand, they speak of one individual's experience, in their particular circumstances, and since these may differ from yours, you take the comment with a grain of salt. (At times, people's comments contradict each other.)

On the other hand, individual experiences reflect the real world -- they tell what in fact happens, not what the agency brochures say will happen. These can be a valuable help in decision-making.

I've edited the marginal comments freely, added bold face, and protected the writer's identity by using only initials and the province of residence, if I could figure out where it was.

I haven't asked the authors' permission to reproduce their comments, since there is no information here which would identify them, and since an email list is an exchange of messages in public, rather than private email.

Not content with all that, at the end I've added "Voices of Single Parents", wherein singles vent their frustration at the barriers they face.

How to order Pre-adoption Potpourri


In 1995 Adoption Helper received an Ontario Adoption Award from the Adoption Council of Ontario, "in recognition of its outstanding contribution to the adoption community of Ontario."

In 1997 Jennifer Smart, editor of Post-adoption Helper, received an Ontario Adoption Award from the Adoption Council of Ontario for her work on behalf of adoption causes.

In 2001 Robin Hilborn received an Adoption Activist Award from the North American Council on Adoptable Children for "dedicated work in making adoption information more accessible and providing materials for post-adoptive support".

Robin Hilborn edits and publishes Adoption Helper, helping people adopt since 1990. His email address is He also edits and publishes Post-adoption Helper.

Infertility Adoption Adoption Resource Central Post-adoption Family Tree
Contact: Robin Hilborn,
Box 1353, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada
Copyright 2004 Robin Hilborn. All rights reserved
Updated   Apr. 7, 2004

Family Helper


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