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Considering adoption

You want to start a family. Perhaps you've ridden the emotional roller coaster of infertility treatments, with no result. Is adoption the right decision for you? There are many viewpoints to consider before embarking on the road of adoption.

Web - Deciding
Adoption and the Stages of Development, Impact of adoption on psychological development of children. What to expect at each stage of development, from infancy through adolescence. When to disclose adoption, family relationships, loss and grief, identity formation. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 1990.
Adoption Options: A Fact Sheet for Families, Your adoption options ... domestic and intercountry ... domestic infant or foster care adoption ... independent adoption in the U.S. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2003.
Birthparents: Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption?, Options; arrangements; future contact. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2000.
Birthparents: Making the Decision, Resources to help pregnant women and birth fathers decide if adoption is right for them. Legal and emotional considerations. Child Welfare Information Gateway.
Deciding: Considering Adoption, Quizzes: Is Adoption Right for You? Are You Ready for Another Child? Test Your Family Finance IQ.
Deciding: Deciding on a second child!, Pros and cons of adopting another one. Carrie Howard.
Deciding: Thinking of Adopting?, Questions on "Are you ready to adopt?" Types of adoption in the U.S. Families Adopting in Response, Palo Alto CA.
Family Helper, Southampton, Ont. All adoption options. Links to Family Helper magazine. Robin Hilborn.
Failed adoptions: Adoption Disruption and Dissolution: Numbers and Trends, When adoption doesn't work out. U.S. statistics on adoption disruption (before finalization) and dissolution (after finalization). Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2004.
Failed adoptions: What's working for children: a policy study of adoption stability and termination, Report (pdf) on adoption disruption or dissolution finds that breakdowns are rare; post-adoption services are important for success. Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, Nov. 2004
Fertile Thoughts - Adoption FAQ's, Deciding to end infertility treatment. Benefits of adoption. Bulletin board, chat room. Listing of agencies, clinics, doctors (U.S.).
Glossary of adoption terms, Common terms used in domestic and international adoption. Robin Hilborn, Family Helper.
Issues: Adoption Issues and Ideas, 17 items. Elspeth Ross. Transition, Summer 2001, Vanier Institute of the Family.
Issues: Adoption: So many issues, so little understanding, Issues to deal with: screening criteria, risk of FAS, transracial problems; post-adoption services. Sept. 1992, Vanier Institute of the Family.
Risks: Commentary, Medical risks of independent adoptions (U.S.) abroad. Poor preparation of adoptive parents. Dr. Jeri A. Jenista, in JCICS newsletter, Fall 2001.
Special needs: Adopting Children with Developmental Disabilities, Types of disabilities; challenges for parents. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 1999.
Special needs: Adoption Preservation, Email list discussing problems when adopting special needs children: attachment, OD disorders ...
Transracial: Considering Interracial Adoption, Questions to ask yourself about transcultural adoption, racism, community diversity.
Transracial: Transracial and Transcultural Adoption, Prepare yourself to adopt from another race or culture. Help children develop a strong sense of racial or cultural identity. Confront racial comments. Enhance self-esteem. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 1994.
You Don't Have to be Perfect and Other Adoption Myths, Reasons for adopting; attitudes; realities. Jana Wolff.

Web - Process of adoption
First steps:
Adoption: Where Do I Start?, Different paths to building a family through adoption. Basic steps in the process; resources at each step. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2003.
First steps: NAC - How to Adopt, Ten steps to adoption; finances; legalities. National Adoption Center, Philadelphia.
First steps: Adopting, Many articles on the process; legal, financial and other issues. By Adoption.Com.
First steps: The Adoption Guide, The annual Adoption Guide; how to get started. Adoptive Families magazine.
Home study: Adoption Home Study Process, Types of information collected during the home study process. Tips for the interview and home visit. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2004.
Costs of Adopting: A Factsheet for Families, Cost estimates for U.S. domestic and intercountry adoptions. Adoption benefits in the U.S. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2004.
Obtaining Background Information, Get info on your child-to-be, before deciding. Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2003.
Waiting: How to Cope With Waiting, "Waiting is one of the most difficult aspects of the adoption process" ... what to do when spirits sag. Russell Webb. AFABC.
Waiting: Perspectives on Waiting, Waiting for a China adoption. Debi Strong.

Books - After infertility

Carter, Jean and Mike. Sweet Grapes: How To Stop being Infertile and Start Living Again. Choosing to be child-free.

Fleming, Anne Taylor. Motherhood Deferred

Johnston, Pat. Taking Charge of Infertility. Various aspects of infertility.

Johnston, Pat. Adopting After Infertility. Indianapolis, IN: Perspectives Press, 1996.

Peoples, Debby and Harriette Rovner-Ferguson, What to Expect When You Are Experiencing Infertility.

Books - Considering adoption

Bartholet, Elizabeth. Family Bonds: Adoption and the Politics of Parenting. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Adoption stigma, racism and how the adoption system creates barriers to adoption.

Bates Alden, Paulette. Crossing the Moon.

Bothun, Linda. When Friends Ask About Adoption. How to gently educate people who would say the right things if they only knew.

Brennan, Deborah A. Labours of Love: Canadians Talk About Adoption. Dundurn Press, Toronto, 2008. ISBN 978-1-55002-845-4. Interviews of 20 adoptive parents, birthparents and adopted children on how adoption impacted their life; seven adoption professionals comment.

Caldwell, Mardie. Step-by-step guide to domestic and international adoption.

Gilman, Lois. The Adoption Resource Book. All facets of adoption.

Hilborn, Robin. All About Domestic Adoption. Guidance on both public adoption and private adoption. Experts explore both domestic options.

Hilborn, Robin. Canadian Guide to Intercountry Adoption. Helping Canadians make those critical decisions about adopting from abroad.

Johnston, Patricia Irwin. Adopting after Infertility. Indianapolis, IN: Perspectives Press, 1996.

Johnston, Patricia Irwin. Launching a Baby's Adoption: Practical Strategies for Parents and Professionals. Indianapolis, IN: Perspectives Press, 1998. Dealing with issues of child care, attachment, parenting adjustments, post arrival blues, bringing family and friends on board, birthparent's change of heart.

Lifton, Betty Joan. Lost and Found. Psychological issues facing children separated from their birth parents.

Melina, Lois Ruskai. Making Sense of Adoption: a Parent's Guide. New York: Harper Collins, 1989.

Pertman, Adam. Adoption Nation: How the Adoption Revolution is Transforming America. Basic Books, 2001. Named Book of the Year by the National Adoption Foundation. Author is executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute.

Schooler, Jayne. The Whole Life Adoption Book: Realistic Advice for Building a Healthy Adoptive Family. Colorado Springs: Pinon, 1993. Pre-adoption, bonding, transracial adoption, confronting the past.

Webber, Marlene. As if Kids Mattered: What's Wrong in the World of Child Protection and Adoption. Toronto: Key Porter, 1998. Child welfare and adoption in North America. Canadian adoptive parent documents the adversity and prejudices that would-be adopters face, and records the emotional and physical toll children suffer while stalled in government care.

Wiedemeier Bower, Jeanette. Transracial Parenting Project: Self Awareness Tool. From NACAC's transracial parenting project, a manual to help you decide if adopting a child from another race or culture is for you.

Wine, Judith. The Canadian Adoption Guide: A Family at Last. Whitby, Ontario: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1995. Handbook on ways of adopting a child, especially private adoption.

Web - Deciding
Web - Process

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Fertility Adoption Adoption Resource Central Post-adoption Family Tree
Contact: Robin Hilborn,
Box 1353, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada
©2008 Robin Hilborn. All rights reserved
URLs verified, Jan. 17, 2007
Updated, Oct. 27, 2008

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