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Our dream of a family came true


Marcia Talbot

Talbot's five girls
Our five girls: Chrissy, Nicole, Kayla, Emily and Meghan.

All of my life, my parents have told me to give thanks for all of my blessings. I was thankful for my family, home, friends, food -- all the things that most people were thankful for. From an early age, I realized that it wasn't only the obvious good that I had to be thankful for, because things tend to work out the way they should, even when it's not what we're expecting.

For as long as I can remember, I had one dream -- to become a mother. I started to work with children as a teenager, and knew that I wanted to have many children. I met a man who shared my feelings, and we were married and ready to fulfill that dream.

After a few months we realized that things weren't going to go the way we had planned. If we wanted our dream to come true, we were going to need to explore all of the different ways to begin a family. I was thankful for the doctors that we saw, and for their knowledge and skill as they led us down the path to fertility. It was an unsure and very trying path, but surely we would soon become parents!

Many months passed, and the treatments were not successful. At that point we chose to also look into adoption as a possible way to build our family. I was thankful for a wonderful social worker who helped us to begin our new journey. I was thankful for the family and friends who wrote wonderful letters recommending us as parents.

After six months of meetings, searching and trying to be patient, the call we had been waiting for came. Our beautiful baby girl had been born the previous night. I was thankful to my friend who worked at the hospital, and called to let me know. I was thankful to the doctor, one that I shared with the birthmother, who told her that we would be the right parents for her precious baby. Again I was thankful for our social worker, who quickly found us a licencee. I was thankful for the licencee who was able to go to the hospital right away, to start the necessary legalities.

Two very long weeks later, after our many meetings with the professionals and the birthmother, our daughter came home with us. Our dream had finally come true, thanks to the many wonderful people we had met along the way. I was the most thankful for her birthmother, who chose us to parent her beautiful baby girl.

Fourteen blissful months passed by, and we were given the surprising news that we were expecting a baby. I was thankful for an easy pregnancy, and a healthy, perfect baby girl. We were the parents of two special daughters -- truly a miracle!

Another two and a half years passed. When our daughters were four and two, we decided that once again we would like to welcome another child into our home and hearts. We met our third daughter, who was then 17 months old. I was thankful for social workers old and new, who helped us to make yet another part of our dream come true.

Since that time, with the help of many wonderful people, we have been blessed to parent another four children, through a specialized care foster program. I am thankful for their parents and social workers, for trusting their care to our family.

I continue to be thankful every day. I am still thankful for family, friends, home and food, just like everyone else. I am also thankful for the many wonderful people we have met over the years, who have become our extended family.

I am especially thankful for the fertility issues that we have dealt with over the years. Without those issues, we would not have been blessed with the wonderful family that we have, and the children that were meant to be ours. Our dreams really have come true.
Marcia Talbot and family live in Bradford, Ontario. Visit "Our Gang" at Marcia is co-moderator (with Leceta Guibault) of the email lists Canadians-Adopting ( and AdoptionCanada (

©2007 Marcia Talbot,

Published at Family Helper,, on Feb. 5, 2007.


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Contact: Robin Hilborn,
Box 1353, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada
©2009 Robin R. Hilborn
Updated Feb. 5, 2007

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