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Adoption reunion newsletters and books
Compiled by Robin Hilborn
This directory lists newsletters and magazines about adoption search and reunion, followed by a short list of books.
Subscription rates are in Canadian dollars unless shown as "US$". If you are thinking of subscribing, remember that fees do rise, so before sending money you may want to write to the editor for current rates.
Ask for a sample copy by sending a self-addressed stamped 9" x 12" envelope. Your stamps cannot be used in a foreign country, so enclose two international postal reply coupons, available from the post office.
Canadian publications Adoption Circles, Forget Me Not Family Society,
#102, 1860 Southmere Cr. E., Surrey, B.C. V4A 6Y7, 604-777-2920,, Nancy Kato,, president. Marnie Tetz, vice-president. PF NCR Newsletter, Parent Finders National Capital Region Inc., Box 21025, Ottawa South P.O., Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5N1, 613-730-8305, e-mail, Web site 10 pp.; $40/yr. PF NCR promotes the reunion of adult adoptees, birth family members, adoptive family members and fostered adults separated by adoption or foster care, by providing information and support to those who are searching and seeking reunion. --27 June 2000 PFI Communique, Holly Kramer, Parent Finders Inc., Box 1008, Stn. F, 50 Charles St. E., Toronto M4Y 2T7, 416-465-8434, $15/year, included membership. Ceased publishing, 2003. --20 Jan 2004 TRIAD Tribune, TRIAD Society for Truth in Adoption, TRIAD of Canada, Box 5922, Stn. B, Victoria, B.C. V8S 4S2, 250-474-2280,, Under Construction. 4/yr. --Mar. 20, 2004 U.S. publications Adoptologist, Susan Foglesong, Kansas City Adult Adoptees Organization, Box 15225, Kansas City MO 64106. Quarterly, US$20/year, circ. 450. Founded 1979; articles on reunions of adult adoptees and birthparents and/or siblings. Bastard Quarterly, Bastard Nation, 12865 NE 85th St., Suite 179, Kirkland, WA 98033, 415-680-2420,, 4/yr, US$25/yr. includes membership. Bastard Nation is an adoptee activist organization fighting to open records to adult adoptees around the world. Columns include a legislative watch, poetry, articles on activism, transracial adoptees, and other adoptee issues. --"Shea",, 26 Aug 1997 Birthparents Today, Birthparents Support, Lynn Lape, 2905 Orchardgate Court, Cincinnati OH 45239. 6/yr. Concerned United Birthparents Newsletter, Concerned United Birthparents, Inc., 2,000 Walker St., Des Moines IA 50317. 515-262-2334. Monthly. For birthparents seeking their children surrendered to adoption. Geborener Deutscher, William L. Gage,; was at Quarterly; 4 pages, free. Founded 1988. In English, for German-born adoptees and their birth/adoptive families; help in searching in Germany; reunions. Geborener Deutscher (Winter 2003) last appeared in Dec. 2002. --Feb. 20, 2007 On the Vine, Rebecca K. Dalton, Sweet Pea Press, Box 1852, Appleton WI 54913, e-mail: Newsletter for birthparents of minor children. Open Adoption Birthparent, Brenda Romanchik, 721 Hawthorne St., Royal Oak MI 48067. (4-Squared Press) Open Record, The. Quarterly newsletter of Americans For Open Records (Box 401, Palm Desert CA 92261). ISSN 1044-1056. Founded January 1989. Lori Carangelo, founder, Previously printed, but now distributed free by e-mail. AmFOR is an adoption civil liberties organization which has used lobbying, lawsuits and free searches to reunite over 12,000 families. Publishes books on behalf of adoptees, adoptive parents and birthparents. --16 Sep 2001 People Searching News, Box 22611, Fort Lauderdale FL 33335-2611, 305-370-7100. Adoption search magazine. Reunions Magazine, International Concerns Committee for Children, Edith Wagner, Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. 4/yr. At is this magazine dedicated to the joy of family, class and military reunions and everyone who is searching for a reunion -- adoption, genealogy and lost loves. Content focuses on reunion organizing, searching and helping organizers be well-educated and wise reunion consumers. The Seeker. The on-line magazine The Seeker is designed to reunite America (and the world) with family members (including birth parents, adopted children, adoptive parents) friends, classmates, military pals. At, go to Place your ad, then Relatively Seeking, then Seeking Adoptive Parents. You may place a message that you are seeking a birthparent, for example, and leave your birth year and address in hopes of being contacted. A birthparent would search the messages by birth year. Users can also search by name -- first, nickname, or last. Adoption agencies can place a message with e-mail address so that adoptive parents may reach them. [20 Feb. 96] Contact: Linda S. Hammer (seeker@Packet.Net). Books Finding Family, by Rick Ouston. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1994. $15. Sold by General Publishing. A journalist's search for the mother who left him in an orphanage at birth. How to Search in Canada, by Joan Marshall. A SearchLine Publication. SearchLine, 63 Holborn Ave., Nepean, Ont. K2C 3H1, 613-825-1640. $21.95. 110 pages. ISBN 0-9694050-0-6. Canadian records. Provincial adoption disclosure legislation and policies. Sources of information in Canada. National resources. Advice and information from an adoptee who is also a birth parent. Post Adoption: Report on Public Responses to: Post Adoption Services in Saskatchewan: Disclosure of Information. Regina: Post Adoption Review, Saskatchewan Social Services, Jan. 1995. 306-787-8654. The Stranger Who Bore Me: Adoptee-Birth Mother Interactions, Karen March (Univ. of Toronto Press). A scientific study of what happened when 60 adult adoptees reunited with their birth mothers. Karen March is a member of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa. What Families Need: a Study of 66 Families Brought Together by Adoption. Adoption Council of Ontario. 58 pages. $10. 416-482-0021. |
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