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Adoptions which are finalized within the province (that is, domestic adoptions and some international adoptions) fall under the Child and Family Services Act, or CFSA. When you are considering an adoption to be finalized here you must use the Children's Aid Society (a public adoption), or go the private route, using one of the adoption agencies or people licensed for private adoption. CYS grants the licences for private adoption -- look for licensed agencies and licencees below, as shown by the mention "CYS-licensed for adoptions finalized in Ontario (CFSA)."
Many international adoptions are finalized abroad, in your child's birth country. For adoptions finalized abroad, you must use one of the international adoption agencies licensed by CYS under IAA ( Intercountry Adoption Act), for the country you choose. Below, look for the mention "CYS-licensed for [country] (IAA)."
To get a homestudy done you'll need to hire someone on the CYS list of Private Adoption Practitioners Approved to Conduct Homestudies. Below, look for the mention "CYS-approved for homestudies and supervising adoption placements."
Besides the above licensed agencies and practitioners, I've also listed below in small type some agencies which are not licensed, or are closed. These are for historical reference only, and are not approved by CYS for use in adoptions.
Also listed are a number of Ontario practitioners offering adoption education programs to prepare adoptive applicants for their parenting role and help them understand how adoption impacts individuals and families.
Which countries may Ontario residents choose from? For the list of countries, and the agencies for each, see Agency Chooser.
Angela Galcso, Adoption Consultant - International, 651 Sumler Rd., Fenwick L0S 1C0, 905-892-0749, fax 892-1627, Formerly working in Romania and Russia. Not operating. --Feb. 6, 2002
Canada-China Adoption Services, 120 Eglinton Ave. E., #904, Toronto M4P 1E2, 416-322-6508, Program director: Ms. Yue Chi. [Formerly Canada-China Adoption Assn.] China. Founded in 1997 to help Ontario families adopt in China and aid Chinese orphanages. Not operating. Adoption organization ceased operating. --Jan. 18, 2001
Canadian Adoption Consultants International, 1387 Garry St., Sudbury P3A 4G2, 705-688-1849. [moved] Non-profit group run by adoptive parents Iris and Guy Campeau who lived in China and adopted two girls there. Address update needed; 1997. Not operating.
Canadian International Adoption Services, Dmitri Protas, Program Director, #201, 297 Sheppard Ave. W., Toronto M2N 1N4, 416-250-0520, fax 352-5081, Boys and girls were available from Ukraine. --Was on Aug. 23, 2006 CYS list, licensed for Ukraine. "As of January 2009 CIAS Ukrainian adoption program has been put on hold indefinitely." Not operating.
Licensed for domestic and international adoptions. The Children's Bridge was federally incorporated in 1994; Board of Directors are all adoptive parents. Working in all provinces except Quebec. A full-service organization: pre- and post-adoption support; Families in Waiting groups, adoption workshops, AdopTALK, cultural celebrations, quarterly newsletter, playgroups, annual picnics, information sessions, Kids Klub, Teen Group and How-To-Adopt seminars. Regional and Post-Adoption Coordinators throughout Canada help families in their own areas. An active volunteer base supports member needs. Up to Jan. 1, 2009, facilitated about 3,900 international adoptions.
The Children's Bridge partner agencies in British Columbia are: Family Services of Greater Vancouver. The Children's Bridge partners with CAFAC in Manitoba for their Ethiopia Adoption licence.
The Children's Bridge has the following adoption programs. (For details, see Children's Bridge Programs.)
China Waiting Children
South Korea
Florida, U.S.
Kids Living with HIV+
The program of Pre- and Post-Adoption Services includes AdopTALK, 2-day adoptive parenting series, workshops, Kids R Great Puppet Show, Kids Club, Teen Groups, Playgroups and Parent Support Groups. For more, see Children's Bridge Events.
CYS-licensed for adoptions finalized in Ontario (South Korea, domestic) (CFSA) --CYS, Aug. 23, 2006
CYS-licensed for China, Croatia, Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Vietnam (IAA). --CYS, Jan. 1, 2009
Helping Hands, Laura Leon, 3025 Hurontario St., #307, Mississauga L5A 2H1, 905-568-4018. [old address] Facilitator, worked in Peru. In summer 1997 the Leons declared bankruptcy, left Mississauga and set up in Miami FL as International Referral Services Inc. to facilitate adoptions from Russia. --Adoption Helper, March 1998 Not operating.
Homes For Children, 5 Scottdale Court, Fonthill L0S 1E3. 905-892-2536, Was operating in Romania. Started in May 1996; ceased operating, June 1997. Veronica Balaj was Director of Foreign Facilitation; Andre Champagne was Director of Canadian Operations --June 8, 1997 Not operating.
Precious Pearl Adoption, Luc and Janine Desormeaux, 1404 Houston Cr., Kanata K2W 1B6, 613-592-1023, fax 592-3525, Web: China. Facilitator which sub-contracts to Tribo Services/Bonnie Wong of Vancouver as China adoption consultant. Accepting clients from outside Ontario. --Closed down; web site not working, May 14, 2002 Not operating.
Sunrise International Adoption, Nadia Gurfinkel, 61 Henry Welsh Dr., Willowdale M2R 3P3, 416-663-4970, Handled adoptions in Russia. Phone number, email not working: presumed closed, Nov. 7, 2000; updated 10Feb09 Not operating.
Ukrainian Cradle Adoption Agency, 3 Saffron Cr., Toronto M9C 3T8, 416-622-7677, Web site was at Sonia Kondrat, Program Director. Was handling adoptions in Ukraine. --8 Mar 2002; not operating, Jan. 24, 2007; updated 10Feb09. Not operating.
For the SAI list of approved agencies, see "Organismes agréés". I updated the Quebec agency list below using the SAI list of Sept. 26, 2006.
For the notations "program is not taking applications" I used the pdf file from SAI, "Agréments délivrés".
Agence d'adoption pour la vie / Adoption Agency For Life
Victoria Reuter (vice-présidente et directrice), 4105 Highland Ave., Montréal H3Y 1R4, (514) 952-8725,, [URL not working, Sept. 26, 2006].
Adoptions from Azerbaijan and Georgia. Georgian program started (with the agency Une Grande Famille) in June 1995; since then has placed over 50 Georgian children in Canada. Agency was founded July 2003 and is approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Services of Quebec. --June 14, 2004
SAI-licensed for Azerbaijan and Georgia since 2003.
Limited number of applications accepted for Georgia. --SAI, May 26, 2004
Not in SAI list of Sept. 26, 2006.
Fondation Adoption Avenir d'Enfants (Children's Future),
Rossitza Nikolova, president, 18, 8e rue Roxboro, Québec H8Y 1G5, (418) 685-8721. Bulgaria. --June 30, 1999
Not in SAI list of Sept. 26, 2006.
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Contact: Robin Hilborn, Box 1203, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada |
©2013 Robin R. Hilborn URLs verified, Jan. 24, 2007 Updated, Dec. 18, 2013 |
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