Hilborn's Guide to Old Southampton uncovers the history of a Lake Huron town
For the thousands of visitors to Southampton (and the residents) here is the second edition, published in 2024, of our guide to all the historic spots: Hilborn's Guide to Old Southampton
For a quick overview of the book, see the Contents list. Or you can read the complete Preface.
The travel guide to Old Southampton, second edition, offers a street-by-street look at 180 historic buildings, with photos and history of each, from Capt. Spence's house to the Walker House to Aunt Annie's Cottage.
It lists sights by street address, so the visitor can stroll down any street in the historic core, refer to an address and discover the history hidden inside. Many houses are marked by wooden plaques saying when they were built and by whom. The guide has photos of all of them and adds historical background for many. New in the second edition are photos of 32 free-standing interpretive plaques.
The guide includes articles on noted places like Chantry Island, Pioneer Park and Fairy Lake, and the history behind them, and a map locating 14 interpretive plaques.
Hilborn's Guide to Old Southampton is softcover, 178 pages and $20 (plus $6.20 postage). It has a full index and is available by mail (see How to Order). Unless you are in Southampton, where it is on sale at CMR Insurance, 177 High Street.
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About the author
A retired information officer for the federal government in Montreal and Quebec City, writer and editor Robin Hilborn has lived in Southampton, Ont. since 1999. He is a director of the Bruce County Historical Society and volunteers at the Bruce County Archives. He started researching Southampton history in support of the 150th anniversary celebrations in 2008 and was first vice-president of the 150th anniversary committee. Robin has written the local histories Southampton Vignettes (2010), Heart of the Great Lakes (2015), The Bruce (2018) and Hilborn's Guide to Old Southampton (2019; second edition, 2024), as well as articles on county history. He lives in Southampton with his wife Heather Wallace.